Data Query
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* Europe and Northern America appear in both Geographic regions and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) regions; composition and data are the same across their respective regions.
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(by default all years multiples of 5 are pre-selected)
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(by default all ages multiples of 5 are pre-selected)
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!Your request returned too many records. Only a sample is shown. Please click button Export to Excel file to receive all records.


This interactive data query offers data for selected indicators from the medium variant of World Population Prospects 2019. A set of Excel files containing all available indicators and other projection variants (see Definition of Projection Variants for further details), including probabilistic results, is available from the Download Center. For advanced users who need to use these data in a database form or statistical software, we recommend to use the CSV format for bulk download.

On 28 August 2019 a minor technical correction was made to the population projected after 2050 for selected countries and regions, and to the population interpolated by single year and single age for both sexes, see release note for further details. Interactive Data, Excel and CSV files have been updated accordingly.

Disclaimer: This web site contains data tables, figures, maps, analyses and technical notes from the current revision of the World Population Prospects. These documents do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.